Gesture Controlled Robot Using Arduino Bluetooth | Master the Easiest Way to Build Your Robot

Gesture Controlled Robot: Have you ever wanted to control your robot as easily as playing games on your smartphone? With a gesture controller, you can do just that. By tilting or changing the angle of the controller, you can steer your robot forward, backward, left, or right seamlessly. In this blog, we will delve into how to build a gesture controlled robot using Arduino and Bluetooth. Let’s make robotics as exciting as gaming!

Gesture Controlled robots make robotics exciting by allowing movement control through tilting or changing angles. Learn to build your own robot

Gesture Controlled Robot: How Does It Work?

A gesture controlled robot interprets motion inputs, such as tilting or rotating the controller, to direct its movement. Using an accelerometer based controller or your smartphone, the robot receives Bluetooth commands and executes movements like moving forward, backward, left, or right. The entire process is driven by simple Arduino coding, making it beginner-friendly.

What is the BlueBot Controller App?

The Ultimate Bluetooth LED Controller App is a mobile application designed to control Bluetooth enabled devices. The Blue Bot Controller is an all-in-one Bluetooth app designed for controlling devices like LEDs, robots, and sensors. It offers advanced features tailored for hobbyists, students, and developers alike.

With support for gesture, voice, IoT, and custom controls, the app enables seamless device management. Its user-friendly interface makes exploring wireless communication and automation effortless and engaging for all users.


  1. LED Control
  2. Robot Control
  3. RGB Control
  4. Text Control
  5. IoT Control
  6. Matrix Control
  7. Voice Control
  8. Gesture Control
  9. Sensor Control
    • MPU6050 Sensor : Gesture and motion detection.
    • Potentiometer Sensor: Analog value adjustments.
    • PIR Sensor: Motion detection triggering.
    • Ultrasonic Sensor: Distance and proximity measurements.
  10. Custom Control
  11. Timed Control
  12. Servo Control
  13. Joystick Control
  14. Inauguration Control

Features of the BlueBot Controller App

  • Simple Command Interface: Easily send commands like “ON” and “OFF” to control devices.
  • Customizable Buttons: Create custom commands to suit your project needs.
  • Real-Time Control: Instantly see the results of your actions.
  • Compatibility: Works seamlessly with Arduino and Bluetooth modules like HC-05 and HC-06.

How to Download the BlueBot Controller App

To get started, download the BlueBot Controller App from the official source:

Make sure you have a Bluetooth-enabled smartphone to pair with your project.

Components Required Gesture Controlled Robot

Before we get started with coding and assembling, let’s take a look at the components you’ll need for building your gesture-controlled robot:

  1. Arduino Uno: The microcontroller to process commands and control motors.
  2. HC-05 Bluetooth Module: To facilitate wireless communication.
  3. Motor Driver Module (L298N): To control the robot’s motors.
  4. DC Motors: For movement.
  5. Chassis: The structure for assembling the robot.
  6. 12V Battery or Power Source: To power the robot.
  7. Connecting Wires: For establishing connections.
  8. Smartphone or Gesture Controller: To send commands via Bluetooth.

Setting Up the Gesture Controlled Robot

1. Circuit Connections

The first step in building your gesture controlled robot is setting up the circuit. Here’s a quick overview of the connections:

  • Bluetooth Module (HC-05):
    • Connect TX of the HC-05 to Pin 2 on Arduino.
    • Connect RX of the HC-05 to Pin 3 on Arduino (via a voltage divider).
    • VCC to 5V and GND to GND.
  • Motor Driver (L298N):
    • Connect IN1, IN2, IN3, and IN4 of the motor driver to Arduino Pins 4, 5, 6, and 7, respectively.
    • Connect the output pins to the DC motors.
    • Connect a 12V power source to the motor driver.
  • Arduino:
    • Connect all necessary pins as per the above instructions.

2. Arduino Code for Gesture Controlled Robot

Below is the Arduino code for controlling the robot based on Bluetooth commands received from a gesture controller:

#include <SoftwareSerial.h>

// Set up Bluetooth serial communication
SoftwareSerial btSerial(2, 3);  // RX, TX pins for Bluetooth module (e.g., HC-05)

// Define pins for controlling motors or any other output devices
const int motorLeftPin = 4;   // Pin for controlling left motor
const int motorRightPin = 5;  // Pin for controlling right motor
const int motorForwardPin = 6;  // Pin for controlling forward movement
const int motorBackwardPin = 7;  // Pin for controlling backward movement

void setup() {
  // Start Bluetooth serial communication

  // Initialize motor control pins as OUTPUT
  pinMode(motorLeftPin, OUTPUT);
  pinMode(motorRightPin, OUTPUT);
  pinMode(motorForwardPin, OUTPUT);
  pinMode(motorBackwardPin, OUTPUT);

  // Print a message to let the user know the device is ready
  Serial.println("Arduino Bluetooth Gesture Control Ready");
void loop() {
  if (btSerial.available()) {
    // Read the incoming Bluetooth command
    char command =;

    // Print the received command to the serial monitor for debugging
    Serial.print("Received command: ");

    // Perform actions based on the received command
    switch (command) {
      case 'L': // Move Left
      case 'R': // Move Right
      case 'F': // Move Forward
      case 'B': // Move Backward
      case 'S': // Stop
        Serial.println("Unknown command");

void moveLeft() {
  digitalWrite(motorLeftPin, HIGH);
  digitalWrite(motorRightPin, LOW);
  digitalWrite(motorForwardPin, LOW);
  digitalWrite(motorBackwardPin, HIGH);
  Serial.println("Moving Left");

void moveRight() {
  digitalWrite(motorLeftPin, LOW);
  digitalWrite(motorRightPin, HIGH);
  digitalWrite(motorForwardPin, HIGH);
  digitalWrite(motorBackwardPin, LOW);
  Serial.println("Moving Right");

void moveForward() {
  digitalWrite(motorLeftPin, LOW);
  digitalWrite(motorRightPin, HIGH);
  digitalWrite(motorForwardPin, LOW);
  digitalWrite(motorBackwardPin, HIGH);
  Serial.println("Moving Forward");

void moveBackward() {
  digitalWrite(motorLeftPin, HIGH);
  digitalWrite(motorRightPin, LOW);
  digitalWrite(motorForwardPin, HIGH);
  digitalWrite(motorBackwardPin, LOW);
  Serial.println("Moving Backward");

void stopMovement() {
  digitalWrite(motorLeftPin, LOW);
  digitalWrite(motorRightPin, LOW);
  digitalWrite(motorForwardPin, LOW);
  digitalWrite(motorBackwardPin, LOW);
  Serial.println("Stop Movement");

3. Upload the Code

Once your code is ready, connect your Arduino to your computer and upload the code using the Arduino IDE. Now your Gesture Controlled Robot is ready

Controlling the Robot with a Gesture Controller

After setting up the hardware and uploading the code, you can now control your robot using a gesture controller or smartphone. Tilt the controller to:

  • Move Forward: Tilt forward.
  • Move Backward: Tilt backward.
  • Turn Left: Tilt left.
  • Turn Right: Tilt right.

The Bluetooth module will transmit commands like F, B, L, and R to your robot based on your gestures.

Applications of Gesture Controlled Robots

  1. Gaming: Enhances the gaming experience with real-world motion controls.
  2. Education: Great for teaching robotics and programming basics.
  3. Industry: Used in warehouses for hands-free control of robots.
  4. Assistive Technology: Helps individuals with disabilities control devices easily.

Challenges and Troubleshooting

Here are some common issues and solutions:

  • Bluetooth Connectivity Issues:
    • Ensure the Bluetooth module is properly paired.
    • Verify the correct baud rate (9600 in this case).
  • Motor Not Responding:
    • Check the motor driver connections.
    • Test the power supply to the motors.
  • Gesture Commands Not Working:
    • Debug the controller’s output.
    • Confirm the commands being sent match the robot’s code.


Gesture Controlled Robot: With a gesture controller, you can control your robot by tilting or changing the angle, making robotics fun and interactive. Whether you’re a hobbyist, student, or professional, this project is a fantastic way to explore Arduino, Bluetooth, and robotics. Start building your gesture controlled robot today and unlock endless possibilities in automation and control!

Download BlueBot Controller App and start your journey today!

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